Usain Bolt balances need for achievement against fear of failure in his motivation for competition. Image credit: hannaspanna.
Motivation is a key determinant of human behaviour. Humans have a deep-rooted drive to explore and master their environment – it’s part of our evolutionary make-up. No one is completely devoid of motivation, but our motivational characteristics can manifest in varied behaviours, ranging from sitting on a couch watching television to training for a marathon. Motivation varies from person to person, from day to day, and from situation to situation. Like other psychological skills, motivation must be unlocked and regulated using effective strategies.
Motivation has three key components:
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Need for achievement (NA) refers to the degree to which an individual is naturally competitive and actively seeks out the sort of challenge that sport provides. Fear of failure (FF) refers to negative attitudes and behavioural responses we may need to overcome in order to be successful. Of course, no athlete enjoys defeat, but it can be more damaging to some than others.
Take a look at the personality type descriptions on the slider below. Which do you feel best describes you?
In scrolling through the four personality types, you may have felt that none of them described you. You may feel that you have a moderate need for achievement and a moderate fear of failure. This is perfectly normal. Perhaps an important takeaway message for you to consider, is that some athletes have to work hard to nurture and sustain motivation because of their own personality characteristics.
Another way of describing motivation is to think about what directs it. Motivation can be driven by forces that are outside the individual or internal to the self.
Motivation that is external to the individual is known as extrinsic motivation. Examples of extrinsic motivation include winning money or medals, approval of others, or obtaining fame and glory.
Motivation that comes from within is known as intrinsic motivation. In general terms, it is seen by psychologists as the most powerful form of motivation as it relates to doing something for pure enjoyment or as an end in itself. A classic example of intrinsic motivation is to see a young child playing with their toys. They are are motivated by the pure enjoyment of play and the imaginative possibilities it offers.
In sport, as in life, it is not possible to do everything just for pure enjoyment. It’s doubtful that many athletes enjoy training outdoors in cold wet weather but often it’s necessary. Extrinsic motivators also provide powerful influences on behaviour, but their effect will vary depending on the individual and their personal values.
Winning a medal, although external to the self, is often an extremely powerful motivating force because it represents a reward for all the hard work of training, and the honing of skills, plus it symbolises recognition from the sporting community.Activity
Michael Jordan is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Like all great athletes, he worked extremely hard to reach the pinnacle of his chosen sport. He has accrued great wealth and worldwide fame, yet watch the video linked below and decide if his motivation came from within or extrinsically.
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