Kenyan marathon athlete, the late Samuel Wanjiru. Image credit: FaceMePLS.
This module has has addressed motivation and its importance in elite sport. Here are some takeaway messages:
Motivation can be both intrinsic or extrinsic.
Some athletes are naturally motivated for competition whereas others need to develop this characteristic.
Goal setting is a useful motivational strategy that should be developed and used regularly.
Token rewards can be an effective way to motivate athletes, particularly for repetitive training drills.
Go further
Motivational theories
Psychological theories of motivation are only briefly touched upon in this course. Here are some useful resources for those who wish to explore the topic further:
Self-Determination Theory is one of a number of motivational theories that underpin sport psychology. This one in particular focuses on extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
Expert commentary: Climbing Mount Everest
Listen to sport psychologist Dr Michael Lloyd describe how, for one athlete, motivation was likened to climbing Mount Everest – a comparison that was taken quite literally and ultimately proved to be extremely effective.